Notes From The Evidence Locker
Behold! Help yourself to the evidence and documentation of our transmissions. We’ve archived the following playlists of our evening escapades for your dining and dancing pleasure.

Episode 02.09.2021
This program’s prime directive includes Space exploration from The Silver Apples, and Franconaut, Bruno Leys, splashing down with earthly tunes by Cymande, The Staple Singers and the Jiu Jitsu Calypso. Once on terra firma, we head East for Japanese Ye-Ye, and the Phantom Hitchhiker will join us on a special set of “Cadillac” songs! Featured tonight is another gem from the ANALOG AFRICA collection,”Mogadisco”, with an incredible song by Ignace de Souza that’s somewhere between Batman and Peter Gunn.

Episode 01.19.2021
As James Bond rows his boat to Thailand, we urge you to put on your shoes, step on down and walk in the sand: if you try to catch a girl, you may just end up with a whole lotta woman.

Episode 01.05.2021
We are so happy to put 2020 out on the curb with the rest of the garbage for the toilet bears & trash pandas to feast upon.
To usher in the Year of Damballah in the most legal way possible, we will be playing a selection of songs that honor the number 21, the legal age for doing the camel walk. Wade in the water, walk on the wild side, or walk don’t run, but what some ever you do, keep on moving!

Episode 12.29.2020
Our annual “Year In Review.” Before we blindfolded this grueling year, give it one last cigarette, & send it to the firing squad, we’ll play new (vintage) acquisitions, actual *new* 2020 releases, & honor the fallen music heroes (Toots Hibbert, Spencer Davis, Candido, Bill Withers, Betty Wright, & Morricone, just to name a few). With Middle eastern electronics, a ghostly groover from Duke Pearson, a well-dressed garage grumbler, Funky breaks, & 007 double-takes!

Episode 12.22.2020
This evening our seasonal Molotov tradition is when we yule your log, egg your nog and revoke our annual Sanity Claus! Yes, the Soulstice of Soul visits to raise and imbibe some spirits while putting aside the stuffing and doing the mashed potato. With this episode, we attempt to waylay the anxiety, the tension, and the melancholy that can come with the holidays – especially in this most crappiest of years. How about letting James Brown and Marvin Gaye serenade your soul and turn your kitchen into a dance floor? With two hours of JB and MG, consider your stockings stuffed!

Episode 12.08.2020
Special Agent Lotus corrects her record on predicative adjectives vs. postpositive adjectives AKA postnominal adjectives, while Cyrano & Señor Amor battle it out for Bocci Ball supremacy in the sub-basement.

Episode 12.8.2020
“Where Wez Live,” the first episode of our 4-part mini series, THE WORLD IS IN A TANGLE, a program focused on Blues & Gospel.
Duke, one of Molotov’s favorite guest selectors, sent prime picks from his collection to us via the US Post, then added long-distance color commentary and history. It’s almost 3 hours long, and worth every penny!

Episode 03.10.2020
Remembering McCoy Tyner. We pay tribute to the late, great pianist, McCoy Tyner. Having anchored the music of John Coltrane as a member of his “classic quartet,” Mr. T was also an exceptional and elegant leader in his own right with a treasure trove of albums for Milestone, Blue Note, and Impulse among others.

Episode 03.03.2020
It’s a super, duper Tuesday with lots of new resolutions and some old propositions. Introducing candidate “Leve Leve,” a collection of tunes from The African islands of Sao Tome and Principe, that combine wonderful elements of African rhythms and European melodies into a raucous caucus. Also on the ballot, classics from Discos Fuentes, jazz from Zoot Sims, snarling garage, Shaft in Africa, and low budget surf from The Frogmen.

Episode 02.25.2020
Live performance by Molotov Cocktail favorite Zander Schloss! 2 hours with musician, songwriter, punk elder, and Lion of Los Angeles! From his time with the Weirdos, Thelonious Monster, and The Circle Jerks, to his collaborations with Joe Strummer, and his reinvention as a timeless troubador, he may be the best-kept secret of the singer-songwriting world– though we’re doing our darndest to let the cat out of the bag.

Episode 02.18.2020
The Molotov Cocktail Hour is swelling with tunes and we are out of belt notches to loosen! We tuck into 4 hours of Fried Funk, Sassafrass Soul, and R&B Remoulade from New Orleans. Survival of the Fattest: Plus Size Edition. (Cyrano jumps the gun on our Special Mardi Gras show by one week. But, you know, the locals eat their King Cakes early because next week is overrun with tourists).

Episode 02.11.2020
Lots of fun new finds, including vinyl biscuits from Antibalas and The Menahan Street Band hot off the press. Also in the mix, exotic love songs from 60’s Egypt, Italian Thrillers, Garage killers, and classic rocksteady from Treasure Isle. The star of the show may just be a record out of our wildest dreams. Harryhausen. Hitting every subject from religion, racism, the cult of fame, and Donny Osmond, don’t ever say we didn’t bring you the weird.

Episode 02.04.2020
Friend of the Molotov Cocktail Hour, writer, director, producer Julien Nitzberg is back with another fever dream that’s moonwalked out of his brain for an unsuspecting world to witness. Mr. N, aka The Earl of Echo Park, brought you documentary The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia, and operetta, The Beastly Bombing, among other crackpot works of genius. He’s back with For the Love of a Glove, a Michael Jackson musical — as told by his glittering glove, (actually an alien from outer space.) Ok, not crazy enough you say? Add dancing (with dancers that worked with Michael), uproarious songs, and puppets – 20 glorious life-sized puppets – created by puppet designer Robin Walsh who has worked for Jim Henson, Disney, and Ray

Episode 01.28.2020
To no one’s surprise, this show with Phast Phreddie Patterson was a barrel of sweet jumpin’ catfish. Tons of great stories and even more great tunes were unfurled including the best songs in the world, “Shrimp and Gumbo,” and “That pizza sure is good!” How could anyone in their right mind argue with any of that?

Episode 01.21.2020
On the Molotov hoo-ha our buddy Martin Wong returned with good tidings and plenty of info on his 20th (!!) installment of Save Music In Chinatown. This long-running series of benefit shows for the music program at Castelar elementary hits this milestone. Always a barrel of monkeys.